“But forget all that…”

“But forget all that…”

This is a quote from a passage of scripture in Isaiah that I have had on my heart for the last few months. Over the next few days I am going to break down these verses and share what God has been saying to me. Let’s start with the above quote.

As God is speaking He declares the above four words in the middle of a discourse to the children of Israel reminding them of all the GOOD things that He has done. He got them out of Egypt, completely supernaturally, but as He is reminding them of His greatness he says, “But forget all that…”

In Christian circles we generally want to forget the bad, the sin, the past but God here is telling His people to forget the GREAT that He has done. Why is he doing this? He answers very simply, “it is NOTHING compared to what I am going to do!”

What do you have to forget to allow God to do something new in your life? Is it all the good or is it all the bad? I don’t think it really matters but you must not allow yourself to hold onto things that will prevent God moving in your life today. You have more to do with God being involved in your circumstances than He does…

You Heavenly Father loves to move on your behalf, He wants to be involved. He wants to do something NEW in your life today! He has already provided us the all things that pertain unto life and godliness. He has already blessed us spiritual blessings. He has already sent His only Son to die on the cross. He has already done so much for you and I. Let Him do what He needs to do in your life today! 

By faith declare the Word of God. Hook up with what He is saying about your life right now. Declare that ‘He always causes me to TRIUMPH!’ Declare your healing. Declare God’s provision. Now let God do what only He can do and that is something NEW today in your life!

Isaiah 43:18, 2 Peter 1:3, Ephesians 1:3

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