Towards us.
Towards us.
‘And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power.’
Ephesians 1:19
When God raised Jesus from the pit of Hell He used all the available power that was on hand to implement the greatest rescue mission in human history. It wasn’t a stealth mission. It was a mission that saw the might of the creator of heaven and earth explode into depths of enemy territory. Light eradicated darkness and publicly displayed the defeat of an enemy who was eternally crushed.
I love that this version declares that the power God released in this display has also been released ‘towards us’.
Remember, God is for us. His love, demonstrated in sending His Son, was aimed at mankind. Everything God has done was towards us. He is eternally reaching out towards a people that ignore and reject His Love. God wants to show us the way. He wants us to connect with us and to demonstrate His love, power and ability towards us.
Mankind’s is simply in rebellion. When a child says ‘no’ to his parents he is fighting against their will. When we step outside of following God’s Word we are leaving everything that God has done towards and substituting it for a lifestyle of rebellion. That will only ever lead to defeat, failure and eventually judgement.
The resurrection experience has placed us seated beside the Father in Jesus. We were placed their to reign. We are there to release into this earth a demonstration of everything God has for mankind.
Today, and in the coming days, be committed to operating in a revelation that sees you reigning in life. Reign over every situation as you step out in faith and declare what God has said in His Word. Declare victory over sickness. Declare financial success over every business dealing you have. Learn to live from a heaven mindset of complete and utter authority over everything and anything the enemy would try and influence you in!
The exceeding greatness of His power is towards you, for you and available in you. Use it. Develop a consciousness of it. Become a Christian who is used mightily of God because you recognise God’s power in you to change the world around you!