
Remain in me, Remain in The Word.

There is a process to being productive in the Kingdom.

1. Produce fruit where you are at.

John 15:16 says that Jesus, Himself, chose you. He appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit. The parable of the talents confirms that God has given you something to work with.

Start producing where you are. Believe and speak the Word of God now. It will grow in your heart and it will produce. Always remember that that Word is seed.

2. You will be pruned and purified.

As you produce fruit you will be pruned. Any branch in a vineyard needs to be cut back as it produces. Why? So that it will produce more. God doesn’t ever leave you where you are. When you start to grow He will continue to train you, teach you and correct you. He chastens those He loves!

3. You produce MORE fruit.

The more proficient and obedient you are to the Word of God the more results you will see. If you don’t produce results…you will be cut off.

The production of fruit maintains the connection to the Vine. Without that connection you will lose the very fuel you need to produce. The Word will have no root, no production centre.

4. Continue to produce = Remain in the the Word.

“You cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me…if you remain in me and MY WORDS remain in you, you may ask anything you want, and it will be granted! When you produce fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father.”

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