The Laws of Prosperity – Part Six
The reason we can have prosperity in any shape or form is because of the Word.
God has provided it all…it’s up to us to realise the power in His Word to prosper and succeed!
Sick, broke and disgusted is no way for any human being to live and if you are a believer God has got a way out for you!!
Philippians 3:13 …but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead… The Apostle Paul was a man of determination. I believe on the road to Damascus he had an encounter so great with Jesus that it not only changed his life but redirected all of his skills,…
Faith Fundamentals – Part One What is Faith? How do we use it? Where does it come from? All questions we need to ask in order to grow and develop in our walk with God.
Merry Christmas, some announcements and what are you thinking about?