Above all things!
‘Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers. For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, even as you walk in the truth. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.’
3 John 1:2-4
“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in the truth.” The old, seasoned, Apostle John is speaking here. He is towards the end of his life, he has been boiled in oil, exiled to an island, left alone and has not much time left. He knows the Word. He knows his God. He was one of the closest disciples to Jesus when He was on the earth.
The greatest desire that this great leader had for his flock and followers was this…’that they prosper and be in health.’ He didn’t champion poverty or lack or sickness or disease. He didn’t express a confused attitude that declares, “we never know what God will do!” He was convinced and was certain of the will of God. He knew, without a shadow of doubt, that God’s desire for His children is to prosper!!
John is clear in his first letter that we have ‘a privilege of boldness’ (see AMPC) to approach God and ask for anything that his Word provides and not only that…he states that God hears us and answers us!
As we explore prosperity and financial success, as we declare our healing and look to see God move in every area of our life we need to note one valid thing…this stuff doesn’t just happen!
The apostle adds the ‘if’. There is a condition. There is something that we are to be held accountable for. We have a responsibility to connect with the prosperity and health that God provides by, as James puts it, working out our salvation. We are in charge of the prosperity of our souls!
When you realise that we are three part ‘construct’ consisting of being a spirit, having a soul and living in a body we have a light bulb moment. The fact that God tells us to prosper in our souls in order to prosper physically, mentally and financially means that we need to know how to prosper in our soul.
Our soul is the key to prospering in all areas of life. Our soul is the part of our being that needs transforming to the ways of God. We are eternally transformed in our spirits when we are born again and our body goes along with whatever it is told. That means that our souls are the thinking, feeling and directional part. What we think about is what we become and it soon become obvious that the battlefield is truly the mind. Our minds are the processing point between the natural and the spiritual realms.
When we learn to take the Word of God and walk it out in our minds we begin to create space for the Spirit of God to work. We begin to make the correct decisions. We line our thinking up with how God thinks and we begin to walk out the truth. Prosperity becomes a truth that we begin to reign in. The Word of God opens up realms of prosperity that without God we cannot achieve.
This takes spiritual guts! Believing God’s Word no matter what the situation says takes complete dedication. It takes an attitude that declares “I will do what the Word says, I will think and meditate on it, I will get it in me so that nothing on earth or in heaven can shake me!” That takes going against feelings, reality, and sometimes people! You need to know that you know that you know God’s Word is final authority in your life…THAT IS SOUL PROSPERITY!
The prosperity of your soul opens wide the door for the BLESSING of God to flow!
The Blessing of God is eternal. The Blessing of God is spiritual. The Blessing of God settles the soul, prospers us financially and works on our behalf. Our souls prospering on the Word of God opens up the possibilities of God’s blessing. As you develop your mind and work with God, revelation and illumination comes.
We are partners with God. We partake in the inheritance of the saints in light. The light of the Word of God brings illumination. The light of the world is Jesus. Jesus lives in us. We are called to walk out the plan of God for our lives. We are the righteous and our steps are ordered. The Word of God is a light unto our path. We walk a path that shines brighter and brighter! We can’t help but prosper!
Learn to prosper in your soul today. Develop your mind to think God’s way. He is the way, the truth and the life after all. He will lead you to success. Line up with Him today and above all things…prosper and be in health today!