Full of Wisdom
After a bit of a false start (technology) we delve into what it means to be full of the Word, full of the Spirit and full of Wisdom!!
Press into to what God has for you!!
Settle some things forever…If God said it…that settles it!
As Christians we have an unlimited supply. All our needs are met and we able to tap into power that provides abundantly above all that ask or think, dream, imagine. That supply is meant to flow through us. Our capacity is not meant to expand so that we contain the things of God but our…
The Word of God is more than a bunch of letters, books and poetry. The Word of God is the foundation on which we stand. The Word of God is a sword that releases the Spirit. The Word of God is a light that guides our path. The Word of God is power. The Word…
Everyone has a mind. Everyone has a brain, however, it may be questionable if everyone uses theirs! I remember being told for years that mankind only uses 2% of their physical brain. That seems like a low percentage but considering where mankind has gone over the last 100 years in terms of technical development 2%…
Have you ever watched a tv series from the beginning to the end? You know, back in the day, when you had to wait a week between episodes then a year till the next series? Now that binge watching and streaming tv shows is the done thing I personally think we have lost something. There…