Listen and Look..
Listen to me, you that follow after righteousness, you that seek the LORD: look unto the rock whence you are cut, and to the hole of the pit where you have been dug.
Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that bare you: for I called him alone, and blessed him, and increased him.
Isaiah 51:1-2
Hebrews 12 says it this way; ‘Look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.’ This is the New Testament update. The rock, the chief corner stone, the first-born among the dead, our Lord and Saviour. Look unto Him that was slain for all our sin. Look unto Him who paid the price for us to be translated from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light.
Look unto the rock. Seek the the Lord. Follow after righteousness.
Our focus in life must be Jesus. Our vision must be trained on the The Word. Jesus is the Word made flesh. If you want to know who Jesus is look to the Word. The Bible is what creates in you the revelation of who Jesus is, who He was and who He is in your life today.
You are in Christ. You have been grafted into the family. Focus your life on the Word and you will be looking unto Jesus the author of your faith. He started it all. He will finish it. We may be living in the middle of that process but in order to cross the finish line you must remain on track…that track is lain before us in the Word.
The Word is the difference between fulfilling the plan of God for your life or falling short. Being faithful to the Word is what is crucial in these days of turmoil and confusion. Knowing the Word is paramount for you and I in living the life of victory in these last of the last days.
When you combine your knowledge and revelation of the Word with who is inside you…the Holy Spirit…the greater one, you will truly take a step towards total victory. God did not create you to go down or backwards. You are created for success and you have every talent, gifting, idea and skills within to go towards the plan of God.
As you daily seek Him and His kingdom and as you follow after His righteousness you begin to develop an inner sense of what He has in store for you. It is faithfulness to the Word that maintains your consistent steps. Your steps, being ordered of the Lord, are sure and secure. Your faith walk is a walk of confident assurance, knowing that your Father God cannot lie. Your trust is in Him.
Today, as you read this short blog post, I want you to be encouraged to not only keep going in your faith walk but to be inspired to increase beyond what you see now. God wants you to follow him, to follow His Word but if you read the opening scripture again God says what He will do for you as you look unto the rock.
He spoke of Abraham, who is your father in the faith, that He called him, blessed him and increased him. If Jesus, The Word, is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow we know that we can expect God to do the same for us. As we follow His plan we step into His calling and then the blessing comes which always brings increase.
We are His children, we are His heirs, we are to imitate Him and we are to walk in this life knowing that the creator of heaven and earth backs us. We go forward followed and surrounded by His goodness and mercy. All of His promises are yes, and amen. He has already blessed us with every spiritual blessing. He has met all our needs and being our shepherd, we shall not want!
This is your inheritance. This is what you have been created for…to showcase His glory and demonstrate His goodness for all to see! God is so good. Jesus is your blood-brother. The Holy Spirit is your ultimate guide. You cannot lose!
Don’t give up today. Don’t sell yourself short. Don’t ever limit God and never ever give up on The Word!! He loves you and He not only wants you to succeed but He has laid out a clear path to get there…it is now your job to hearken unto His voice and walk out His plan!