Shift the Mountain!
There are obstacles in life…how do you as a believer deal with them?
As believers we do not need to live in lack as God has no only promised to meet our needs but also bless up so that we become a blessing!
Generosity is a great word. It’s a word that when you hear it you perk your ears up because it is such a positive word. If you know someone who is generous you want to be around that person, immediately you love to spend time with them knowing that you will have a good day!! …
You are a spirit. You have a soul. You live in a body. You are a three part being. Each part of you plays a role in your success or defeat in life. If you are a born-again believer you are a new creation in Christ Jesus and your spirit is alive unto God. Your…
There is Whiteheart song from the 90s that has stuck with me from my childhood. The song talks about the river of God flowing freely in our lives and throughout the earth, a free flow of God’s love and power from heaven. As Christians we are connected to this river. If you allow the river…