Faith Food” Launch Out!
Staying on the bank is not an option!!
Coffee, Cake and Relationship How many of us get overwhelmed by the need to spend ‘more time with God’? I know I do, guilt will creep in and, in fact, I will limit my time on purpose because I am ashamed by my lack of effort. Of course, I know that a relationship with God…
God is the God of the breakthrough. God wants you to not only succeed in life but to go beyond the levels of your own thinking and even your own dreams. However, there is one problem, many in church circles don’t see or believe how this can be possible. How do we get the breakthrough?…
There is a victory inside of every believer waiting to come out!
You are called to succeed, prosper and have been created for good works. Find out how to start and maintain all that God plans for you today.