The Spirit Life
You and I are created beings. We didn’t just arrive on planet earth as an assembled mess that had to be thrown together by our parents.
We were created, planned for and put together by God before the foundation of the world. He knew we were coming. He has planned your existence. You were meant to be.
However, you don’t have to live like He has planned for you to live. You can live a separate life that doesn’t belong to you. You can reject His plan for your life. You can stay in the realm of the natural, living below par all of your days.
You and I can make a conscious decision to delve into God’s realm. The realm of The Spirit Life. When you belong to Christ, having made Him Lord, you open up the doorway into the life that leads to the liberty Jesus paid for.
There is something precious there. In that place there is a life filled with peace, joy and love. There is place for you to remain in protection, confident that God is your Father, He is always present with you. This wonderful place is simply called The Spirit Life.
Your life in that realm is special. It is a realm of dreams and impossibilities. It is the realm we see when we step into faith. It it the realm of victory and success. It is the realm of love, the God kind of love that never fails.
In it there is no condemnation. In it you are no longer governed by the sin nature, the senses or the un-renewed mind. The Spirit Life is a place where you allow His plan to manifest. You allow your spirit man to rise up and dominate.
The Spirit Life is your birthright. You have a place to live from that dwells within you. It is a free flowing river of abundance and godliness. It is your place of wisdom, growth and strength.
Inside you resides the very Spirit of God that raised Jesus from the dead.
You have resurrection power in you. You have authority invested in you. You have the ability to move mountains and pray things into being. You can have the desires that live on the inside of you.
You are a champion in the Spirit Life. You belong there. When you live there you cannot help but win!!
Today, worship the God who created the heavens. Open your eyes to the realms of God that live within you. Let His Word penetrate your heart and allow the vision He gives you to rise up and speak out of your mouth!
Open your spiritual eyes and see. Begin to speak what you see in that special place and continue to live in The Spirit Life today!