Unlimited Capacity!

As Christians we have an unlimited supply. All our needs are met and we able to tap into power that provides abundantly above all that ask or think, dream, imagine. That supply is meant to flow through us. Our capacity is not meant to expand so that we contain the things of God but our capacity is meant increase our flow…

An electric cable needs to be bigger, thicker, more insulated the more power is run through it. A river has a limit to how much water can flow through it before it bursts its banks. We can receive so much more from God. As we develop our faith and our character we can handle more of God’s flow. If we can’t sometimes it will be necessary for God to burst our banks but if we develop thicker skin and bigger hearts we will be able to contain, control and direct God’s flow with accuracy and more refinement.

We have a personal responsibility to grow up in God. We are to grow our faith in Him. We are to grow in Him.

The Expansion of our hearts take place as we develop a correct diet. That diet requires food and exercise to be effective. Our faith, which requires action, is fuelled by The Word of God. First and foremost The Word is the diet we need. Exercise takes on the form of our relationship with God’s Spirit, our spirit led prayer life. Our prayer life is the fuel that allows us to successfully action or exercise our faith. Success in any arena of life requires an increased capacity and a growing in faith that is abled to be actioned with accuracy.

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