Revival Thoughts: Our Launch Date…

With recent events hitting social media and the news over the last few weeks I have been thinking, dreaming and even remembering. Sometimes, in the past, we have called revival ‘times of refreshing’, ‘awakenings’ and ‘restoration’. Times where the church seemed to be renewed (another word – ‘renewal’) have taken place over many decades, and can be traced back many years even and centuries. 

I am no authority or expert of these events and I have no real historic knowledge of the scope of what God has done on this earth in times past but I do know one thing…

I am hungry. 

I am hungry for God. I am fired up and passionate. I am encouraged, fuelled and ready to go. I know that much must be done. I know that change is needed to see all that needs to be done before the rapture of the church. The Glorious Church must be revealed.

It is time like never before to rise up as believers. The time is now to get your house in order. The time is to run with the plan. The clock is ticking and Jesus is ready to return. We must continue to put aside all the weight, the sin, that holds us back. We must behold our Lord. We must put Him first. We must focus on His will, His Word and His assignment.

It’s time to clean out the highways and the byways. 

As a ministry, Faith Life Centre, is putting into place procedures. A lot of procedures. To the point that my personality wants go into a corner and hide because I love flow, not steps, not boxes or constraints, however, while we have been doing this God has showed me something rather obvious. During this time, at this stage, we are preparing. We are preparing for growth, preparing for people and preparing ourselves. The systems need to be ready. We need to be able to go…It’s like the launch date of an event or even a rocket, everything must be thought out and contingencies must be in place.

Every system procedure needs to be checked. Every procedure needs to be thought through unto completion. In fact, to stretch this analogy even further, let’s think about the preparation of an astronaut. Their induction and training are separate to all the procedures that have already been set out. They do not create the procedure as they learn. The procedures are already set into place and then the pilot of the craft learns them, memorises them and then practices them over and over again until they become second nature. Many of the actions they perform are designed because of past mistakes and failures. The space agency have worked on and tested, in every conceivable way, to try and predict any form of outcome possible…then when ready the astronaut and rocket are set a launch date.

Our launch date is coming. Are you ready? 

The coming return of Jesus Christ will lead to the greatest exodus from the planet ever seen in humanity’s existence. The rapture of every believer is coming. Soon.

God is preparing His people. The procedure has been tested. The way to heaven has been perfected. Now, like an astronaut, we are to prepare. Prepare ourselves, go through the tests that arise as you press into God’s Word and become proficient at the job of being fruitful. We are preparing the last great Ark. The Ark that receives anyone who would come and receive salvation. The Last Great Awakening is nearly upon us. We will clean the streets, we will reach into the darkest of the dark and pluck out satan’s prize souls. We will see evangelism like never before. Miracles like never before.

What do I need to do, you may ask…

  1. Read your Bible.
  2. Take time to find the words that build you up and place you in faith.
  3. Talk to yourself- meditate and declare the Word you have found.
  4. Notice when faith comes and act on it.
  5. Praise God for the answer and never stop!

It is the simple act of consistency and faithfulness that fruit in your life will be born. Preparation time is never wasted but a time of distraction, lethargy or pure laziness will remove you from the best that this season has provided for you…

The time is now – prepare yourself. Get ready. Know your procedures. Let the Holy Ghost clean you up. Get ready to welcome family, friends and enemies into our churches as we start to look to the skies for the King of Kings to be revealed!!!

Jesus is coming back soon!

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