Called to Live in Freedom.

In our churches across Faith Life Centre we have been spending some time ministering and talking about the blood of Jesus. When we first started preaching and ministering on this subject I didn’t realise the impact and importance it would play in my thinking and personal life. It is a subject that I had known about, being brought up in the churches that I have been associated with but it was a subject that I personally haven’t understood how to communicate. We are talking about blood here and not just any blood but the blood of a murdered man that died over 2000 years ago.

“[God] is so rich in kindness and grace that He purchased our freedom with blood of His Son…”

Ephesians 1:7

Jesus died on a cross, treated as a murderer and murdered by His own people. The Romans facilitated the death but the people who Jesus was called and commissioned to reach screamed and demanded that He be placed on a cross. Nailed there to be displayed as a criminal, for the world to see as they passed by. Jesus was sent to die. It looked like His ministry was over, literally killed too young, a successful man in His early thirties with great potential ahead of Him. Jesus died leaving behind Him a group of unconfident men, scattered partners and grieving women. Christianity had died before it even began. 

I believe if we ever grasped what He went through on the cross our lives would be eternally changed and raised up many levels. The reality of His sacrifice, defeat and then victorious outcome will never be completely be understood until we enter eternity. Thank God we receive and enter in by faith, understanding is not essential to enter heaven!

Look at is this way, we often think and remember of the sacrifice military men and women have made in the last century of wars. We say proudly of them that they died for our freedom. They paid a price to ensure that our lives today are lived in a place of comfort and safety. Our children haven’t had to grown up under oppression and dictatorship. We have food in the shops and the freedom of choice because of the the deaths of those who have gone before us.

Jesus paid a much higher price. 

Jesus did not go to war with a human enemy though He had many. He went to war with the eternal enemy. The enemy of our souls. Jesus went on the offensive by offering Himself up to die. He didn’t attack like an army but He sacrificed Himself, spirit, soul and body. He died you for you and me. He ultimately shed His blood for our freedom.

It says in Galatian 5:13 that “you have been called to live in freedom.” We know that Corinthians tells us that where the Spirit of the Lord is that there is freedom. Freedom is the theme of the New Testament. What Jesus purchased by allowing His blood to be shed was freedom unlike anything you and I could dream of. It isn’t freedom that simply allows you do whatever you want, like people crave in modern times. 

It is freedom that you are CALLED into.

There is a heavenly calling. A calling that you step into as enter into salvation. It is a divine calling that proceeds from the mouth of your Heavenly Father. It is calling that cries out deep within your soul. It is calling that propels you to serve the Holy One. It is a calling that was established before the foundation of the world. You are called into freedom.

When you accepted Jesus into your heart you were born again and your spirit was filled with eternity. The eternity within you is topped up with great and precious promises. You have been impacted with everything that pertains unto life and godliness. You were purchased with a price and you were given all the equipment you need to succeed. You have been released into life alongside the very Spirit of God that lives in you. That Spirit is freedom.

You are free. You a no longer a slave. Fear does not reside in you. Your consciousness is no longer filled with sin. You are no longer a sinner but you are the righteousness of God. Sickness and disease has no power over you. Poverty and lack cannot control you. You are free and under a power that established freedom by raising Jesus out of Hell and back into Heaven. You are anointed of God and commissioned to go forth. You are truly a world overcomer. Greatness lives in you because the greater one possesses your heart. 

Jesus paid the price. Jesus has called you. Jesus has chosen you. Jesus has equipped you. Jesus has released you.

Go out today in your life and do the good works you are called to do. It will be your best day yet. It will be the day that the Lord has made. It is a day of freedom, your independence day. You are saved. You have been purchased and you can stand in freedom knowing the blood that Jesus paid is on the mercy seat in heaven crying out to your Heavenly Father, “It is done! The price has been paid! This one is a success. This believer is worthy of all that you have given him!”

Let the call to be free carry you today. Let the shout of victory in your spirit man be released. Carry with you the presence of God and let Him speak through you into the lives of the oppressed, the broken hearted and the weak. Be the strong one for someone today. Demonstrate true the calling you live in. 

You are called to live in freedom.

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