Points to creating a successful life today (Based on the Bible)!
You are called to succeed, prosper and have been created for good works.
Find out how to start and maintain all that God plans for you today.
Philippians 3:13 …but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead… The Apostle Paul was a man of determination. I believe on the road to Damascus he had an encounter so great with Jesus that it not only changed his life but redirected all of his skills,…
This year seems special to me. There seems to be something stirring in the body of Christ that is different than in the last few years. We seem to be on cusp of something new and fresh. I sense a dynamic hunger rising up. There is something simmering in the background waiting for someone to…
We will reveal His Glory on the earth!
Sick, broke and disgusted is no way for any human being to live and if you are a believer God has got a way out for you!!