Determine to know Him. 

Many are called. Few are chosen. 

There is a burning desire in my heart this morning to fulfil the call. The call placed on the church, the call placed on the ministry that I operate within and the call that lives in my heart to reach a lost and dying world. 

I hear “Go!” I hear it everyday, every minute and every second. I hear the heart beat of the lost, I hear the cry of the desperate, whether they are Christian or not. 

I sense the urgency of the hour. I know that Jesus died for them all. 

When you are called there is something on the inside of you that cries out to be answered. There is a knowing on the inside of you for more than what you have. There is a determination that you latch onto, a determination that shouts “keep going, keep believing!” 

If you are called, if you sense the drawing of the Father, latch on to it. Become chosen. Become available. Become the person that Father God requires in this day and hour. 

Carry His presence. Carry His joy. 

Paul was determined to know the person of Jesus. In that determination he knew that he would find the power of the creator. Paul knew that finishing his race was everything and that within that race he could accomplish all that God was calling him to achieve. 

When we know the person of Jesus we understand that abiding with Him is what being called and chosen is all about. Abiding in his presence is what we live for and as we abide we begin to shine forth the reason we are on this earth. 

Our determination to know Him and the power of His resurrection leads us to relationship and then overflow. The nature of abiding with someone allows you access and you begin to take on their personality and characteristics. 

As we become imitators of God we realise that is where life is. That is how we produce fruit for others. That is how we reach the world. 

Our connection to Him is where our life’s calling flows from. It is in the secret place where we are chosen and equipped. It is sat at as His feet being aware that only one thing is needful. 

Settle in today and determine to know Him. Change in your life is at the tip of your tongue. Your praise and your worship in the presence of almighty God lifts you up. Rise up and abide. Sit and enjoy. Listen and sense His Word bubbling up in your heart. 

Let the calling be birthed inside of you so strong that nothing else will compare. Let yourself be chosen. Stand up and say, “Yes, I will go!” Become the man or woman of God that is necessary to see this world saved and back on track towards eternity. 

Listen and learn the heartbeat of God. Synchronise yourself with Him. Abide with Him. 

Philippians 3:10

[For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him [that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly]

John 15:4

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.

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