Going to the Next Level
Think bigger.
Dream bigger.
You have a covenant. There are things put into supernatural place for you as a believer and as a Christian that mean to see you succeed. Your success is guaranteed.
Know this, a covenant is more than an agreement. It is a binding blood bought relationship between two individuals. When you enter into a covenant everything that belongs to the other becomes yours. In your time of need they are there for you and you, in turn, are there for them.
Making Jesus Lord of your life connects you to the greatest ever success covenant made. This covenant, between God and His Son Jesus Christ, is one of victory, success and prosperity.
Your success within this powerful covenant includes freedom, health, unity and financial wealth. Your covenant of salvation is THE covenant of blessing. The blessing that God declared over Adam and Eve, over Abraham and over Jesus is yours to enter into.
The Bible is full of individuals that stepped into the covenant of blessing. Even Job, who operated in a limited version of a covenant ended with double! He went through hell and high water but stuck with God and ended up with double the blessing that he started with!
What are you worth to Father God? He sent His son to die for you. He sent His son to re-establish the Blessing Covenant with mankind. He made it possible for you to have a personal relationship with Him removing the barrier of sin.
Don’t let a poverty mentality take a grip of your mind or actions. God wants the best for you! Let His blessing grab a hold of your mouth, your praise, your faith and your actions. Be led of the Spirit and as you listen and obey His voice He will flood you with His Blessing until it overflows.
Dream big today. Apply the Blessing Covenant to your vision. Think like a winner and act like a champion because Jesus lives inside of you making you more than a conqueror.
His Word works no matter where you are starting from. His Word is the final authority.