Do you have the advantage?
Everyone has a mind. Everyone has a brain, however, it may be questionable if everyone uses theirs! I remember being told for years that mankind only uses 2% of their physical brain. That seems like a low percentage but considering where mankind has gone over the last 100 years in terms of technical development 2% seems impressive in the return of investment! That said we all know that people usually squander their mental functions and tend to fail to reach the capacity they were designed for. Many people fall short of any kind of destiny simply because they don’t know what to do or they choose not to do what they know!
As believers in Christ we have a supreme advantage, we can actually tap into more than just our own personal mental capacity. We are able to press into something much greater than personal ability. What we have is supernatural and is known to us as the mind of Christ. The mind of Christ, if we tap into it, allows us to connect, through the Word of God to the wisdom of God. The wisdom of God has the answer you need. You may have a brain but many times the answer that you want just isn’t accessible in that mind of yours.
The Spirit of God provides for us this supernatural way and as Christians we must live by this higher way. This, of course, doesn’t mean that we do! Many Christians are living at a minimum when it comes to the things of God. Many Christians produce meagre living, living a life no different that the non-Christian next door. We live in debt, sickness and continually defeat. We do not demonstrate to a dying world the life they need so badly!
Realise today there is a higher way. There is a way to prosperity in all levels of your life. There is a way to have your best life now! You don’t have to shirk back in defeat. You don’t have to hold on to the hope of eternity, praying you will make it through this life! You can win!! You are a winner. When you understand fully that you are in fact royalty and an heir of the inheritance that Jesus paid for you will start to think differently! You will think like a winner and when you think like a winner it is only a matter of time!
Yes, it all comes down to your thinking. As a man thinks, so he is. When you think defeat, you talk defeat. When you think depressed, you talk depressed. When you talk in the negative you somehow find people around you that totally agree! Your life will stay on the path of those who you surround yourself with. Your thought life, or your way of processing a problem, will determine the results you get. Your results will be based on the understanding you have from the world and it’s systems or the study and meditation that you put into the book of Victory.
For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who LIVE according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.
Romans 8:5
When you are setting your mind “on the things of the flesh” you are using your mind to analyse, take on board, and put into place what you see, hear, smell, touch and taste. You are operating in the five physical senses that respond to what is going on in the natural world. This world is visible. It is changeable. You get upset because a financial bill is due, the bill gets paid and you are relieved. Your feelings were based entirely on what was happening with your money. Your body feels sick, you stay in bed until you feel better, you are responding to what is going on in your physical body.
This is the natural human way. There is a higher way. There is a way of the Spirit. There is a way to put your mind on the things of God and begin to live in response to life, freedom, health and prosperity. When you live according to the Spirit way of doing things you set you mind on the things of the Spirit. When you set your mind you meditate and when you meditate it gets into your heart. In your heart is where you believe it then as you believe it words come confidently out of your mouth. When words that are Spirit filled come out of your mouth faith is released and things begin to come to pass that line up with God’s Word in your life.
Spirit living is the place where Christians need to reside. It is a place of growth, prosperity and success. Being led by the Spirit is a birthright of the believer and that birthright is a guarantee of our inheritance in Christ. Setting your mind on the higher way, the way of the Spirit, the way of God’s Word, means you are focussed, determined, resilient and established. This is where victory is achieved. Your emotions are forced to align to what you believe and not the other way round. When you have your mind set on the Spirit life you step into a place where productivity and good works thrive.
Live the Spirit filled life today. Set your mind to explore the things of God. There is wisdom available for every area of your life. There is knowledge set aside for you to succeed. If you look at the natural you will become sidetracked with flexible and moving goal posts. Set your mind on the Spirit because the things of the Spirit are eternal, unchanging and you can set your life on the results. Sow to the Spirit and you will produce a harvest of joy, life, peace and victory.
No matter what you are facing today take time to rejoice in what God has for you. You may not yet see it with your natural eye but by using the spiritual eye of faith you will begin to praise Him because you will clearly see the answer, the solution and the result has been created by your Heavenly Father who loves you!
You are a champion. Believe it! See it on the inside of you! Don’t take what you see as the final answer, look inside you. Set your mind on the things that are above. Look to the heavens. Look to Jesus. See yourself as God sees you and give Him all the glory as you go about living your day today!!