Don’t Ever, Ever Call God a Liar!
I want you to understand two important truths today:
- God does not change His mind.
- God does not lie.
Hebrews 6:17-18
“God also bound Himself with an oath, so that those who received the promise could be perfectly sure that He would never change His mind. So God has given both His promise and His oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to Him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us.”
These are two invaluable truths for every Christian to know: God does not lie, and God does not change His mind.
Why is it so important to understand these points? God completely transformed His relationship with humanity by sending Jesus to die on the cross for us. Through this new relationship, He created a system where we can now boldly approach His throne. Because of the blood of Jesus, we can enter into the Holy of Holies, something only the High Priest could do under the Old Covenant. The New Covenant grants you and me full access to God.
If you don’t understand what God has done or what He promises to do for you, that’s one thing—you can learn and develop your understanding of what the Bible says. However, the real problem arises if you don’t believe Him. If you think God might change His mind or that He isn’t telling the truth, essentially accusing Him of lying, you will never be able to truly believe Him.
And if you can’t believe Him, you won’t be able to receive from God. Think of it this way: if you don’t believe your parents love you, no matter what they do, you will never truly receive from them. They could give you the best Christmas present ever, but you would resent them because you believe their love is false and manipulative. You treat God the same way when you don’t believe Him! When your attitude toward God leans toward unbelief, you are on a dangerous path.
However, if you do believe Him, you can receive the promises He has declared. You can receive the blessings that God has for you.
Hebrews 6:13-14
“For example, there was God’s promise to Abraham. Since there was no one greater to swear by, God took an oath in His own name, saying, ‘I will certainly bless you, and I will multiply your descendants beyond number.'”
The blessing God pronounced over Abraham is the same blessing He pronounces over you when you receive Jesus Christ. It is ours through His blood. Abraham was credited with righteousness because he released his faith and believed in the blessing. That blessing made Abraham rich, gave him a son in his old age, and produced the nation of Israel.
Notice what the verse in Hebrews 6 says: “so that those who RECEIVED the promise…” These are the people who are certain that God does not change His mind. They are the ones who hold Him to His oath and experience the promised blessing. Abraham was credited with righteousness because of his faith in God, and that faith gave him full access to the complete blessing that God pronounced. He didn’t the full completion of it but Abraham stepped into a relationship with God that saw his future established through that blessing.
For you and me, believing and acting on God’s blessing opens our door to salvation, which includes prosperity and healing. The blessing received through faith provides 100% protection against our enemies and the curse that was placed on Adam in the Garden of Eden. The blessing of God operating in your life will elevate you, just as it did for Abraham. Through your active belief, you can open up the relationship that God desires with you. Your believing will fill your heart with hope and enable you to see into the realm of the supernatural!
Jesus said, “Have faith in God.” God is looking for a group of people who take Him at His word.
Whether or not you enter into God’s fullness for your life depends on your ability to believe and receive. You received salvation when you confessed Jesus as Lord and believed in your heart. It was a simple act of believing and receiving that brought you into God’s family. You didn’t have to do anything except believe and receive by confessing what God had already done in Jesus. “I make Jesus, my Lord and Saviour.”
Here’s a simple secret: everything you do as a Christian is based on this principle—believe it in your heart and confess it with your mouth. When you understand that God does not change His mind and that He cannot lie, you will become confident in His Word. You’ll begin to see what God has said and claim it for yourself. Decide today to become confident in God! Believe God’s Word in your heart and confess the promises with your mouth!
Stop wavering over what God has said. Believe it! Receive it! Shout it from the rooftops because if God said it, it will come to pass! When you are sure that the promise is yours, you won’t be able to keep it to yourself—you will want to tell everyone! Your praise is your active faith response to what you believe in your heart.
So remember, I want you to understand two things today:
- God does not change His mind.
- God does not lie.