The Expectation of Acceleration.
Your life is often lived and thought about in seasons. We think of the single season, the honeymoon season and the children season, etc. Seasons in life often mould together, blend and shift according to many aspects that we deal with.
In the kingdom of God seasons are often marked by shifts in revelations, the stepping out by men of God to lead or churches rising up to take their place with their assignment.
I believe many of us can step into a new season faster, quicker and more accurately. We often have a sense on the inside of that things need to change. We know that God has more for us. There is a knowing on the inside that ‘this’ isn’t ’it.
I would prefer you to think of your life more as a series of gear changes. You adapt your driving based on the flow around you. You can accelerate and change gear as the path that God has laid before you opens up. The Holy Spirit inside you knows how to navigate the best route. He knows how to get you out of a jam and into the faster flow.
Before you accelerate in life you must develop one key factor to enable you to move at your highest capacity. That key factor is expectancy.
The Bible calls it hope. Biblical hope can never be confused with a wish, a dream, or some Disney fairy tale. Biblical hope can really be referred to as ‘an absolute expectancy’. It is a mode of thinking that knows that what is in your heart will come to pass as the conditions before you align.
Biblical hope is an anchor to your soul no matter what situation is surrounding you. The circumstances become what Jonah said of the whale…”lying vanities.” They literally fade away in your thinking because your expectancy level is so high.
Sometimes we try and release our faith too soon. We try to give birth to an idea without it becoming the dream inside of us. You cannot give birth to a baby without pregnancy. Correct pregnancy will come with marriage intimacy.
Your faith must be released but your development of the dream inside must be nurtured. Your seed of an idea must turn into conception and conception must turn into internal growth.
Giving birth to your dream comes at the time of maturity. When your expectancy is so full and the dream inside is so real when the birth happens you are not in shock that it happenned. You can be a prepared parent or an un prepared parent.
Very quickly the pain of childbirth is replaced by the joy of the child. You don’t have time to reflect on the time of intimacy that produced the child, you have to get on with child rearing!!!
If your dream hasn’t happened yet it might be time to go back to the intimacy phase. God is a God of intimacy. God is a God of relationship. He won’t provide you with a Holy Ghost birthed dream without connection.
Your biblical hope will rise and fall on the intimacy of your relationship with God. When you know your God having faith in him to carry out the hope in your heart is easy. It is a light burden and a joy to your life.
Don’t get frustrated because you feel the dream isn’t happening. Go back to the Word and to prayer in the spirit. Raise your level of expectancy so that your heart is once again filled with hope.
We are building our lives to run faster. We are building churches that can move swiftly in these last days. We are creating environments that produce believers that change gears in moments. We are no longer learner drivers. We are trained, we have been released and assigned for the work He has for us.
Get ready to run, drive and fly at speeds that you never thought possible. Let God explode bigger than ever on the inside of you! Get ready for the acceleration of His plan for your life. There is an end time surge coming that will truly reach the world for Jesus!
It’s time to accelerate!! It’s time to raise your expectation of victory, joy, freedom and life. It is truly time to praise God for all He has done, for all He is doing and for EVERYTHING He is about to do in your life!!!