Amplify the Sowing of the Word
You are a spirit. You have a soul. You live in a body.
You are a three part being. Each part of you plays a role in your success or defeat in life. If you are a born-again believer you are a new creation in Christ Jesus and your spirit is alive unto God. Your spirit communes with the Spirit of God living on the inside of you. In fact, you have inside information and have the ability to succeed in every situation you face. God has got the answer and in Christ you have access to all wisdom. So why is it so many Christians fail to receive what they desire. The Bible says God gives you the desires of your heart…where are these elusive desires and dreams?
In the parable of the sower in Mark 4 you discover the answer that releases or hinders your ability to receive from God. This parable is known as the Granddaddy of all parables and Jesus said if you don’t understand it you cannot understand any parable. In fact, the more you read this chapter in the Bible you begin to see very clearly what God is trying to do in your life. He wants you to succeed, to grow and to develop into a Christian of great substance. He desires for you and I to be filled with His presence and to produce great results on this earth.
In this parable everything that stops you from receiving is a soul issue. Remember that Jesus was talking to non-born again people when He preached this message. So when we apply this to our situation we are sowing the Word of God into a pure and healthy heart. We can see that we have a God given heart, or better described, a God given spirit that is filled with God Himself. The reality is that the sower sows the Word into a healthy, alive unto God heart. If a farmer always sows into good ground the chances are the seed will grow, as long as the environment is productive, the weather, the rain and the sun, etc.
Your spirit is good ground. It has been prepared, through Jesus dying for you and cleansing you of all sin and recreating your heart. You never need to say to God, “Create in me a new heart!” It was done when you made Jesus Lord. On your heart is written the laws of God and as you pray and believe you can receive!
Your spirit is not the problem. It the part of your being that is called the soul that causes Christians their problems. Most sickness and disease will stem from issues of the soul. Most relationships are destroyed because people can’t control their soul. Your soul comprises of your mind, your will and your emotions. If you can’t control your tongue it is because you have developed something negative in your mind or your emotions. Your personality is a combination of your upbringing and the decisions you have made. You have trained yourself to act on your soul’s strengths or it’s weaknesses. Your soul is like a sponge for what is put in front of it.
Let’s take a moment to flip the parable Jesus described:
When the Word of God comes Satan is there to steal it. A strong mind resists him and presses into the things of God. The devil must flee. When the Word comes and the believer delves deep and plants themselves by the river of God, meditating and confessing the Word, the joy that first came at hearing remains strong. When the believer’s mind is focussed on the Word the distraction of other things cannot move them off of the solution of the Word. When the believer taps into their heart and pulls on the Word of God within it the fruit that comes is multiplied 30, 60 and 100 fold.
A strong soul that works with the Spirit of God inside you is a developed and mature decision making machine that has been trained and developed for such a time as this! A strong soul that has learnt to lean on the Word of God in every situation becomes the conductor of what God has for your life. When we look into the spirit realm by faith it is our soul that connects our mouth, our mind and our ability to stay the course until the victory comes into the natural.
If your minds wanders you can pull it back to focus with the words of your mouth. Out of the abundance of your heart the mouth speaks, a spirit full of the word and a soul that is renewed to that same Word creates an unstoppable force in your life. When believers connect our soul to our spirit by confession, meditation and action on the Word of God we become invincible. This may feel like a difficult task, especially if you have been in training for defeat all your life! The good news is that God is on your side! The Holy Spirit is your comforter, your stand by and your advocate! You have the name of Jesus and all the authority you need.
I believe the ‘soul issue’ is the biggest reason that we misunderstand what God has already done for us! He has given us all spiritual blessings and has already moved on our behalf but most of us spend our time listening to our emotions and not the Word of God. You are capable of so so much! With faith and patience you will inherit the promises of God. Hint: Patience is a trained, consistent soul!! You are a Champion on the inside, you just need to let him or her out! God is for you and not against you! You are the deciding factor in whether you win in life or not! You have the capacity to believe and to receive. You a CHRISTIAN. You are a BELIEVER! You are a WORLD OVERCOME!
Today, pull yourself together! Take time to fill your mind, your mouth and your heart with a fresh Word from God. Pray in the Holy Ghost (another secret to strengthening your soul) and build your faith. Walk in love no matter what. Decide to be strong in the face of defeat and focus on the victory within. Praise Him. Lift up your voice to Him. Worship the King of Kings! You are precious in His sight, He wants you to flourish and be a part of this great end time army that will see in the return of Christ. He is coming back soon so let’s rise up and clear out the highways and the byways for Jesus!!
Let the fire fall in your life! Glory to God!