Because of the Word!
The Word of God is more than a bunch of letters, books and poetry. The Word of God is the foundation on which we stand. The Word of God is a sword that releases the Spirit. The Word of God is a light that guides our path. The Word of God is power. The Word of God is life.
It is because of the Word that creation maintains it’s strength, creation held together by the Word of His power. Many years ago God spoke and light illuminated the universe. Salvation was released when God spoke and released love into our world in the form of a baby. The Word of God became alive and went to the cross to die for you and me.
The Word of God made you alive unto Him. The Word of God recreated you and filled you with His Spirit.
Jesus is the Word.
The Word of God is meant to be spoken. The Word of God is meant to be released. The Word of God is meant for you. The Word of God is yours to behold, tap into and to cherish. The Word of God holds the answer to the question on your heart. The Word of God turns around any situation.
When the Word of God is heard in the heart of the believer faith becomes alive and active. Faith is the substance you need to succeed and is produced by the Word of God. Faith connects you to all that God’s Word has for you. Faith pleases God.
Faith in God’s Word heals the leper, cures the demon possessed and create eyes for the blind. The Word of God, spoken and released with faith, heals the centurion’s servant. Faith in the Word of God propelled a very sick woman to reach through the crowd and touch The Living Word. The Word of God attached to faith creates a reality for the hope and dreams that live inside of you. Faith in God’s Word makes you whole, spirit, soul and body.
The Word of God is what you need when the pressure comes, when the storm rages and the answers seem sparse. When the enemies voice is loud and condemnation rises the Word of God is the stronghold destroyer. The Word of God is the ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. The Word of God settles hearts and brings peace. The Word of God is fuel for the Spirit of God to ignite.
Your life based on the Word of God is settled in the far reaches of Heaven. The plan and purposes you have in your heart is realised as you spend your time in the Word. When you activate the Word of God in your mouth power is released. That power will move mountains, obtain answered prayers and will shake nations.
It is because of The Word of God that you rise. In defeat you have let go of the Word. When you give up and quit the Word you fail. The Word never fails, never leaves you, never causes defeat. The Word is your success. It is your heart being consumed to overflowing with the Word that allows your success to be realised.
It is because of the Word that the Spirit flows. It is in the Word that the Spirit leads. It is the Word that the Spirit reveals. It is the Word that the Spirit ignites. It is the Word in the mouth of the believer that releases the Spirit’s power.
It is because of the Word.
Speak the Word. Shout the Word. Praise God with The Word. Think the Word. Dream the Word. Allow the Word to rise within and become so big inside you that the God of the impossible connects you to His success! His Kingdom in you becoming a beautiful reality on earth for you!
Heaven on earth exists because of the Word!!
It is because of the Word.