10 Ways to Ensure You Rise in 25
2025 is fast approaching and though Christmas is coming up first I sense urgency in my heart. There is a need to press into what God wants to do in our lives next year.
Do I think next year is special? Do I think next will be different than any other? No, not at all.
Jesus said that we will continue to see, “wars, rumours of wars, famine and more.” As we approach the second coming of the Son of God, life will go on. Babies will be born, people will age and life will come and go. Does that mean we sit back and wait, chill and watch tv until something happens?
Never, and I know you know that!
There is a future that you and I can aim for that is beyond your wildest dreams. When you understand the responsibility your life and calling you will aim higher. It is time to take the time to rise in ’25. Of course, you could wait till 2026 or even 2027 but why wait?
Why not go for all God has for you today? It is on the inside you, locked away to be discovered. Your purpose is trying to reveal itself to you. You have time to find it, cultivate and release it to the world.
The Bible says that the earth is shaking, twisting and groaning to see the sons of God manifest. The revealing of your gifts and talents are for it. Someone on earth is calling out for your greatness. The release is being pulled on, will you answer the call or bury it inside?
Together, let’s rise in ’25. Let’s break out of protective mental limitations. Let’s remove the barriers to your acceleration! Let’s put down the foundation in the next few weeks. Let’s plan your success!
One – Choose Life.
Deuteronomy 30:11
“For this commandment that I command you today is not too hard for you, neither is it far off.”
When God laid out His laws to the Children of Israel He gave them an ultimatum. He told them that set before them was a choice. A choice that simply said, “Choose Life or Choose Death.”
Before God gave them this option He said, “This commandment…is not too hard for you, neither is it far.”
God is not a difficult God to understand. Jesus said, “My Words are Life.” You want to choose life? Choose God’s Word. Decide to focus on the LIFE in your life!
As you live your life for God this year choose life. Focus your future on the things that are producing life in your life! Put in front of you desires and ideas that inspire you. Challenge yourself to see new things. Look for new opportunities. Listen to new music, try new foods, develop new relationships.
Find LIFE all around you and CHOOSE to enhance everything you do with the life of God that lives in you!
Two – Deal with Stress.
Philippians 4:4
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.
While I was thinking about this point I wrote these words: Switch stress for inspiration.
When the Apostle Paul writes, “Rejoice…again I say, rejoice” he is reminding us where our lives are meant to reside. We have been created to live from the inside out. He continues to tells us to think on good things, holy things, and things that produce life in you. We are to pull daily off of the joy that lives inside us.
Rejoicing will silence stress and you will switch from stress to inspiration. Thinking and meditating on good things will inspire you to get out of the worry you are in.
Rising in 25 will need us to face the stress of life deciding to push through conflict into the joy of our salvation! Learning to praise God lifts the stress and anxiety off your shoulders. You don’t need to carry anything that God says you can give Him.
Cast the care of your life onto Him. Let God carry what you are not designed to carry and develop a lifestyle of praise! From within your heart you will shout joy and dismiss stress!
Three – Remove Fear. Eradicate it!
Mark 5:36
But overhearing what they said, Jesus said to the ruler of the synagogue, “Do not fear, only believe.”
Jesus confronted fear directly. He didn’t play with it and He never put up with it. Angels when they appear to people often say the words, “Fear not.” Fear cannot live in your presence if you want to be in a position to receive from God. Your position of faith is completely eradicated if fear chokes your heart.
Walkin in fear is not walking in faith. Faith trusts, fear runs away from embracing the truth. You cannot afford to let fear creep in. Do not train your senses to accept fear. Reject it. Deal with it. Speak words of faith. Speak when fear comes. Speak life and reject any thought of fear that tries to creep in your mind.
1 John 4:8 declares that perfected love in you CASTS OUT ALL FEAR! Love casts out fear. Love does not play! Love is aggressive and understands that fear will not work. Love removes the possibility of fear in your life.
When something, a decision or a person comes across your path stop and think, ‘what would love do?’ Make love your motive in every area and watch fear disappear from every decision you make.
Make 2025 a year of God’s love propelling you to the top!
Four – Establish Your Heart
Psalms 112:7-8
He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the LORD. His heart is established, he shall not be afraid, until he see his desire upon his enemies.
An established heart does not buckle. Pressure comes and circumstances change but a person of God, with an established heart, cannot fail. Their hearts remain strong in the face of adversity because they know their God!
The person with an established heart knows the purpose they operate in. They know their calling. They are not moved, they are continually motivated.
This year, discover your purpose. It is yours. It is inside you. God put it there. You are not meant to find your purpose from someone else. People may help you and point you in the right direction but they don’t have your calling. They may see things you don’t see but they do not hold the keys to your life. You may have a calling to follow someone and serve them but you need to know it. You need to hear your own call.
Find your purpose and your calling as you seek out God’s Kingdom. Establish your heart in that call as you search. Deep inside you, within your personality, lives a precious gift that the world needs to see. It might be business, music, speaking or caring. No matter what that call is please release it. We are waiting for you!
Your heart requires it. The world is waiting for it. God expects it. Establish your heart and stand on the foundation of God’s Word and live your life free!
Five – Pursue Wisdom.
Proverbs 1:33
but whoever listens to me will dwell secure and will be at ease, without dread of disaster.
In Proverbs the voice of wisdom is as a woman crying in the street. She cries, “Hey you! Hey Stupid! Listen to me…”
You must realise true wisdom is available. In our world of endless information you might think wisdom is clear but yet it is hidden needing to be dug out. To go to the world for godly wisdom you would be looking for a needle in a haystack.
The wisdom you need, that is so available, is on tap to the believer. A Christian has within them a direct connection to the Spirit of God who knows the beginning from the end. You are not short of wisdom. You carry wisdom around with you daily.
Seek wisdom out. Pull on the answer within. Pray in tongues. Pray and listen. The answer will come. It will come first in the form of peace. It will come supported by the Word of God. It will come with faith and action.
Wisdom is your source of success in 2025.
Six – Imagine Big.
Ephesians 1:18
having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints,
Vision and hope go hand in hand. If you can’t run with vision you don’t understand it. If you have no hope in the vision you will never connect faith to your pursuits.
I want you to understand that God is looking to do abundantly, above all, that you ask or think [imagine] in your life. You need to challenge yourself to think BIG! If you can think big, God can (and will) do more!
When you were a child you had an imagination. That imagination took you to places you could not go. Who told you to stop imaging? Take time daily to dream. Let hope arise this year as we run into 2025. Lift up your eyes and see Jesus! He is in heaven cheering you on!
Know the HOPE of your calling today. Know that God is backing you and all it will take is a step of faith to get you going in the right direction.
Seven – Increase the Power.
Romans 1:16
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
Jesus said it this way, “My Words are life…” Located within you is the power you need. The connection you need is right in front of you. You cannot power anything without connection. Connection to a plug socket. Connection to an engine.
Everything that has movement, life, or function requires power. Our bodies need power in the form of calories to supply the energy we need to live. It is the same for your spirit.
Your spiritual life needs power. You need the Word of God.
Did you know that f you read your Bible at least four times a week you will see a reduction in stress? If you read your Bible regulary anxiety and depression will be removed. Your connection to the living Word will improve your life drastically!
Success comes from within. Fill yourself up with power this year and every year after! The bigger the engine, the more fuel needed, the further you will soar!
More Word = More power.
Eight – Tune into the Voice of Victory.
Joshua 1:8
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.
Tune in. Adjust your frequency. Listen and hear the sound of the abundance of rain. Hear what God is doing. What He is doing is good! There is revival in the air. There is more to come. There is victory breathing in your lungs.
Know this: The voice that is within you will always lead you to victory. The leadership of the Holy Spirit is the direction of total victory. Total annihilation of the enemies forces. Greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world. You are the victorious one. You are the world overcomer.
Jesus saw many sons unto glory on the cross. He died for you seeing your victory in His resurrection. He always causes you to triumph.
Faith is victory. Faith is the voice within leading you to speak and agree with God. Praise Him. Rejoice in Him. 2025 is going to be an AWESOME year!
Nine – Take a Bold Step Forward.
Matthew 14:28
And Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.”
You do not need to wait till next year to take a bold step forward. You can start today. Peter sank when he walked on water. Peter didn’t have the faith to keep going. What if I fail? What if it isn’t meant to be…
Peter also walked on water. Peter was also rescued by Jesus. Peter took a crazy step forward and was the only disciple recorded as walking on water.
Don’t try and find the faith to step out. Step out. Faith requires action. In fact, faith is only proved in the process, not in the outcome. We tend only celebrate the manifestation of the victory but it is in walking out that your faith is proven.
From this day forward push against what you think is normal for your life. Never let others determine your destiny. See beyond the brick wall. Push through the fog. You were created to achieve a life worth living. That life will not only bless your socks off but will be a testimony to many people. You walking on water will pull other people out of the boat to see their destiny come to pass!
Check out the Faith Hall of Fame in Hebrews 11 and see what was possible!!
Ten – Continue to Make BIG Moves!
1 Samuel 17:45
Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.”
David went at Goliath with nothing but a slingshot and some stones. David went BIG! David confronted the enemy of the nation and didn’t do it half hazard. He went full steam and ran at the giant declaring the Word of God at this heathen.
David’s attack on Goliath was in no way rash. He had already killed the lion and the bear. David kept making big moves. His action produced great results, personally and nationally. For the rest of David’s life he went big.
Go for it! This year is a year of purpose! This year is a year of fulfilment. This year is a year for you to rise up and come alive! Go big. Go large. Go out and live your best life and see what God will do.
Seize every opportunity that your talent has connected you with. Seize what God sends across your path. It will be the best decision you ever made. It will bless you and many many people will come to the light of the glory of God on your life!
Press toward the high calling. Become all the world needs you to be so that we usher in the greatest revival that the world has ever seen!