Fulfilled and Complete.
Marriage is often seen as the height of human completion. One person joining in a relationship that completes the other person. I recall the scene from Jerry Maguire where the characters sign to each other, “You complete me.” It makes me shed a little tear.
Humanity has searched to become whole for many years. There is something inside you and me that knows that we aren’t all there, we are not complete. We get married, have kids, and create wealth. We attempt to clutter our lives with anything that will fill the void. Inside our hearts, there is a hole.
Someone once said, “Inside all of us, there is a God-Shaped hole.”
That God-Shaped hole is filled with a relationship with King Jesus. If you are a Christian, born-again and filled with His Spirit, you know this. You are whole. You are complete in Him.
As born-again Christians we are in relationship with God but we often struggle in life. We lack something, we fall short. I have felt this way. I am shortsighted in knowing what God is doing in my life. I want more. I want to live fulfilled.
When you become a Christian, God fills you up and completes you. You are complete in Christ. God, through His Word, gives you everything you need for a successful life. He places in you faith, talents, abilities and the wisdom you need. If you aren’t feeling fulfilled, you haven’t discovered the plan yet.
Philippians 3:13-14
Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
It’s time to dig it up! It’s time to discover ‘it’!
What is ‘it’? ‘It’ is that bit of your life that you need to be the best that God created you to be. ‘It’ is what that God-Shaped hole has inside your heart. Destiny and purpose live there. Joy and satisfaction live there. Inside of you all the characteristics of a hero, a survivor and a champion thrive. You have ‘it’ mixed into your spiritual DNA.
You may not know it yet but you have what it takes to do something great. It might be spending time with the elderly and sharing the gospel. You might take some time to pour into Kids Church on Sunday. You could grow a worldwide business that pours money into the Gospel. You are to do something that produces joy in your life. That joy is your strength that will bless the many people you connect with!
It is time for you to rise up and expect more. Listen with your heart and decide with your head to go for God. All in. Forward Ever. Backward Never! Get as much of God as you can in your life. Be strong and go after it. Love Him and serve Him. Be consumed by Him.
His Word is your diet. His Spirit is your refreshment. You are deciding to jump in the river. You are committed. You desire His presence. It is in His presence fullness of joy resides. Your God-Shaped hole inside has everything you need. You overcome the pressure and the stress. You go beyond. You go high and wide taking the Gospel of Jesus to everyone!
Let’s get you to the place of fulfilment…
Make some noise this year. Raise your hand and volunteer. Give out your ideas. Surrender your life to Him and dive in. Ask for more, seek Him out and knock at every door to get in. Be confident in yourself. You have the mind of Christ.
Push through the crowd. Don’t give up on your dream. Listen for the cues inside of your heart. Trust in Him. Let Him lead you. His Word is true and it will take you higher and lift you out of the status quo.
Never settle. Go for God’s best. That doesn’t mean cheap! Believe God for the best possible result. Expect the most profit, total healing and an ending worth living! Have great faith. Speak great faith. Release great faith and watch what God does.
Stand your ground. Give your all. Learn how to be better. Stand up and be counted. Believe in the dream and direction God has given and never back down!
Prepare yourself well. You can stand on sand or you can stand on rock. Storms will come and your success will often depend on where you place your feet. Be ready for every alternative and continue to listen to the Holy Spirit. God’s Word is solid, concrete and stable. The Holy Spirit leads and guides. Stand and having done all, stand.
Be a blessing. Give. Give. Give. Don’t ever stop giving. What you you give will depend on your heart. Never override your heart. Give as you purpose. Be a joyful, extravagent giver!
Ensure purity. Make yourself clean. Have a pure heart that sees no wrong of anyone. Don’t judge. Don’t be jealous. Walk in love. Be content and be pure. Mark my words – Holiness will be crucial in these last days.
Give God the glory. Always. You are nothing without Him.
Put others first. Respect people. Love your enemies. Lift others up. The first shall be last and the last shall be first. Sit at the back. Don’t push yourself forward. Humble yourself in the eyes of God…He will lift you up…in DUE time.
Never look back. Your promised land is in front of you. Nothing good is behind you. Learn from your mistakes, enjoy your results but don’t live in them. Living in the past slows down your future.