Your success is right in front of you!
You have everything you need to become all the God has planned for you. You have within you the purpose, the plan and the wisdom needed to rise to the top of where God has placed you. You are a champion in the place you are. You are victorious. You are a success!
But it doesn’t look it! So?? Let’s look to Jesus…
When Jesus was on the cross it looked to many people, including His own, that it was all done. It was over. In fact, Jesus said it Himself…”It is finished.” To the casual observer you could have assumed He gave up! He was dead, hanging on a cross. The clouds of darkness had moved in. It would have looked like the apocalypse had turned up on that hill outside of Jerusalem.
Behind the scenes of your life things are working. God has a solution to your woes. God knows how to shift things. When Jesus died on that cross something happened in the temple, miles away. The temple curtain, that hung from the ceiling to the floor, ripped in half. That curtain separated the holy of holies from the people. No one was to enter. It was torn in half by an invisible presence from the top to the bottom. God opened the temple. The fabric was spilt to declare to Israel that very soon God would once again mingle with His people. He was back to dealing with man one on one. No one would be held back from approaching God again.
God is always working. His Word, established from the beginning of time, as the source of all victory. Jesus came to the earth as a human man. He was the Word made flesh. Victory came to earth so that you and I can tap in on a daily basis to eternal life. We don’t need to wait for something to change to know that the solution is available.
Your success is right in front of you!
The Bible, words recorded for mankind, holds the power of the Gospel. The Good News to the poor, to the sick and to the downtrodden. The Gospel transforms man into a new being. A creation of power, eternal and complete. The born again believer now filled with the God that created the heavens and the earth. God filled you with Himself. He spared no expense sending His Son to the cross! It was a sacrifice well spent! The currency of life placed into the hands of judgment for you and I!
What is even more special was that Jesus didn’t only die for us. The price God paid wasn’t a life for a life. He paid the life of His Son but in His death was a secret plan even grander. The death of an eternal being for the life of mortal mankind wasn’t designed to be permanent. The death of Jesus gave the power to the enemy for a few brief moments of time. When the time served was up God didn’t wait for a second longer. Jesus did not remain captive in His prison sell for an appeal. Jesus was innocent and He had taken our sin on Him. He became sin for us and paid the judgement decreed on us.
He died so we don’t have to and the moment that the Holy Spirit could He filled the pit with God’s power. Jesus came back to life to resume His eternal inheritance. He died for us. He died with us. He came back up for us. We were with Him as He sat beside the Father in Heaven.
Your success is right in front of you.
The Word of God contains the resurrection power designed for you to take hold of. You must grab hold of it with your heart and believe it. You must think on it, meditate, and activate it in your mouth. You must speak it. You must put the Word into action. You must release your faith.
This year is a rising up for you. This year is a releasing of The Word. This year is a year of success as you build yourself on the foundation of the Word. The time you spend placing in your heart the Words of Creation in your heart will allow purpose to rise. Faith will flow. Faith will come alive on the inside.
The Words of Jesus are life and they are truth. He came to give you that life you long for. He came to release purpose on the inside of you. He came to you propel forward! He loves you and He is your biggest fan. He overlooks your mistakes and failures and He decided a long time ago to stand with you. Jesus is in the throne room of Heaven interceding and praying for you.
Take hold of your life today. Take the Words of life. Take what Jesus did on the cross. Enter into His resurrection and begin to open up your heart to divine possibilities. If it doesn’t look like it is working…keep going. If it doesn’t feel like it is working…Do not give up. If you haven’t started yet…start. Get in the game of life. Accept that you can and accept that He is working with you!
Jesus is Lord of your life! He is the success that bubbles in your heart. The Holy Spirit is the fire that burns with passion inside of you. I know it is in there. This year is time to release what God has placed in you. Time to release praise. Time to release your shout. It is time to stand in the success and victory that Jesus paid for you! Many years ago, though at the time it looked like utter defeat, Jesus completely defeated the evil one!